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7 Warning Signs for Replacing Your Bathtub

If your tub is making bath time more cringe-worthy than calming, it might be time to start looking at making a change.

Updates like a bathtub replacement can boost the value of your home and improve your bathroom’s appeal. As your tub starts to show its age, the wear and tear become increasingly unsightly and potentially dangerous.

How do you know when to replace your bathtub rather than repair it? What bathtub issues are big enough to justify the time and expense? Is your tub or jacuzzi tub in poor condition regardless of any bathtub maintenance you do.

If you’re trying to decide if it’s time, here are some definite signs you need to replace a bathtub.

1. Leaks, Cracks, or Chips

When you notice damage to the structure or surface of your tub, it’s just a matter of time before it starts to fail at its one job – holding water.

Tiny chips may not seem like a big deal, but they grow into cracks, and cracks allow for leaks. Water can start pooling outside the tub, getting into your floor and walls. Eventually, you end up with mold, mildew, and wood rot in the space around the bathtub.

With a leak, you might wonder – “is my bathtub beyond repair?” The answer is almost always yes because leaks are difficult to repair and constantly return.

2. Staining

No one wants to take a bath in an unclean tub, right? As the surface of the tub ages, stains can start to get so deep into the tub that you can’t scrub them out. They make the bathroom look unappealing, and you never quite feel like it’s clean.

3. Mold and Mildew

Your bathtub might have surface cracking too small to see, but you’ll notice it if you have a constant issue with mold and mildew growth. It seems minor to start, but it will keep coming back as long as those tiny cracks are there. It looks terrible, hurts the value of your home, and can be a health risk.

4. Accessibility

The older you get, the more difficult it is to get in and out of the tub. If the sides are too high, it can be hard to feel safe moving in and out even with rails and non-slip surfaces.

If you have mobility issues with your current tub, it might be time to consider a walk-in tub or conversion of the bathtub space to a shower.

5. Size and Comfort

If you have an older house with an older tub, you might not use it. Older homes had bathtubs designed with much smaller dimensions. These tubs can be too narrow and too short to feel comfy when sitting in them.

Most renovating homeowners who upgrade their Birmingham or Huntsville bathtub choose a soaking tub to get a deeper and larger space than the standard options.

Ready for a Bathtub Replacement?

If you see any of these signs, it’s time to start seriously considering a bathtub replacement. A new tub brings better safety and comfort to your bathroom, not to mention a sense of joy from not having to look at the old one anymore!

Contact us to talk about the bath and shower replacement services we offer here at Express Bath. We can help you pick out a tub that meets your needs and budget as part of a complete remodel or a simple upgrade.

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